Vorbeam zilele trecute cu cineva dintr-o agentie de PR despre prezenta unui client in social media. Si dintr-o vorba in alta, fara sa imi bat capul prea mult, i-am zis: “Stii, in Romania, companiile abordeaza in trei feluri social media”. Mi-am adus astazi aminte de acea discutie si mi-am zis ca ar fi o idee buna sa le impartasesc si pe blog. Cele trei feluri. Iata ce cred eu:
Sunt companii care fac blogger relations sau macar incearca pe aceleasi principii ca in media relations. Putine dintre ele insa reusesc sa aiba continuitate si consistenta pe termen lung. Exemple ar fi Sony si HTC.
Sunt companii care deruleaza campanii mai mari si mai mici, legate de diverse lansari sau de momente din viata brandului. Putine sunt cele care revin cu campanii noi, cei mai multi parca bifeaza “Am facut-o si p’asta!”. Dar sunt cazuri – branduri mari – care fac pasi mici doar pentru ca vor sa se familiarizeze mai mult cu mediumul. Exemple aici sunt multe. Vedeti ce campanii sunt acum pe bloguri.
Sunt companii omniprezente, care ocupa locuri pe mai multe platforme social media, fac blogger relations, dar si campanii pe bloguri. Si poate cel mai important aspect: interactioneaza cu oamenii din social media. Exemple aici ar fi Vodafone, LG si Microsoft. O mentiune merge la Ursus, un brand care desi nu are o prezenta constanta in social media, sustine multe evenimente “sociale”.
Mai vedeti si alte categorii de companii?
Hi Cristian,
Firstly I appreciate the work you have been doing covering Social Media in Romania. I want to add another four important categories for Social Media uses from companies.
1) Crisis Management
2) Customer Service
3) Lead Nurturing
4) Gauging Purchase Intent
I know you mentioned blogger relations, but controlling the brand image where the coversation is taking place, has been a major reason why Social Media is attracting so much attention. The UBS case where DHL aired a series of anti-UBS commercials on Youtube, saw UBS respond fully through Twitter. There is a big motivation for companies to monitor what’s been said, and to respond in Real Time (when the conversation is taking place and not through a staged press release). http://bit.ly/fniTHI
As for customer service, there are numerous examples of companies utilising Social Media as a customer service channel to receive and to respond to complaints. Starbucks awarded a customer a coupon to one unhappy customer.
I cant say that Lead Nurturing is most used by companies in Social Media rather than personal brands (career advisors, life coaching etc), but there are companies who utilise Twitter as part of their lead nurturing programs to broadcast new free reports, tools etc. For Personal Brands Social Media is usally used to broadcast their latest posts.
The final one is still untested waters and it probably more loosely falls under campaigns, but there are companies such as Compass Labs that offer a monitoring service that identifies purchase intent through semantic algorythms and artifical intelligence. The search detects conversations around the product and analyses words/phrases which indicate positive or negative intent see: http://bit.ly/i3Wqum
I think there are endless uses of Social Media, and the categories of companies will increase as technological developments give way to new uses of Social Media. One of the best resources I have found is Gaspedal’s vimeo series of Social Media Case Studies for Large Brands presented by the Brands themselves! http://vimeo.com/gaspedal
Again keep up the good work Cristian and please keep me updated on any events on Social Media Romania! P.s. I have #social media romania on twitter lists to help consolidate what’s been said about Social Media Romania!
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#%21/Colin_Whitfield
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=507984167