Abonamente Evensys

Doua perspective pentru Google Glass

Astazi e ziua perspectivelor pe blogul meu. Sunt la al doilea post cu “perspective” in titlu si mai urmeaza unul. De data aceasta, vorbim de Google Glass, gadget-ul anului 2013, so far. Ochelarii viitorului sunt deocamdata pe buzele tuturor. Putini au avut ocazia sa ii puna si la ochi. Iata doua perspective, cum spuneam in titlu. Pe care pariati?


What does Cook think of Google Glass? The Apple CEO says the device has some merit, but might be targeting the wrong part of the human body.

“I think there are some positive points in the product,” Cook said. “I think it’s probably more likely to appeal to certain vertical markets. … I wear glasses because I have to. I don’t know a lot of people that wear them that don’t have to. They want them to be light and unobtrusive and reflect their fashion. … I think from a mainstream point of view [glasses as wearable computing devices] are difficult to see. (sursa)


We expect that Google Glass will go mainstream within a few years, as the price drops and the design begins to resemble normal eyewear. While detractors carp about privacy and its current goofy appearance, we believe Glass will improve its user experience and draw in users with amazing apps that leverage augmented reality.

We provide high, mid and low-range sales estimates that could result based on a number of factors, including price. On the high side, we believe Google Glass will sell 21 million units annually by 2018. (sursa)


2 comentarii

  1. Bogdan says:

    Tim Cook greseste in privinta modei, sunt destui care poarta ochelari desi nu au nevoie. Ar fi insa o problema, nu am gasit inca o opinie fundamentata din punct de vedere medical. Ce parere are un oftalmolog despre folosirea Google Glass? Mai in gluma

  2. Partea cu oftalmologia e rezolvabila. Ce faci cu uzantele insa? Ce faci cu ei in locuri in care nu ai voie sa filmezi sau sa comunici? Ce faci cu ei la volan? Ce faci cu ei pe strada? Dai intr-un copac sau da o masina peste tine…
