Sunt cateva lucruri postate aici pe care le-am aflat de pe alte blog-uri. Nu stiu daca altfel le-as fi descoperit (cert este ca pana sa le gasesc intr-un blog nu le aflasem – sic!). Astazi am mai descoperit ceva interesant cu care m-as juca in timpul liber, intrand din curiozitate intr-un blog.
La un moment dat imi doream sa obtin un mozaic din mai multe imagini de genul celui vazut in posterul filmului The Truman Show. Blog-ul respectiv recomanda un soft care chiar face acest lucru si, din ce imi dau seama la o prima vedere, fara batai prea mari de cap.
thanks for the mention – i have an idea that mosaic tiles + magnifying javascript would make a more interesting ‘million dollar home page’ (you blogged before) or better still image gallery….I have an idea where the individual pictures should magnify by differing amounts – perhaps as a function of popularity (or as a function of how much was paid)…I wrote some notes about this a while back – maybe I should put it on notez….
seems a pretty good idea. however i think this “million dollar page’ idea does not work anymore. waiting for the sequel…
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