“Punem pe un blog si vor prelua si altii”, era mesajul pe care il transmitea un om din agentie intr-o discutie. Asa o fi? Cartea “Trust Me, I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator“ vorbeste de aceasta tactica, aceea de a incuraja plasarea de informatii pe bloguri (obscure chiar), tintind astfel indirect marile site-uri sau publicatii. Asa se intampla in US.
Vad uneori multe idei pe bloguri personale mai putin cunoscute, care ar putea sa devina subiecte in media. Nu ajung acolo si nici pe alte bloguri mai mari. Poate si pentru ca suferim de ceea ce Cabral amintea in Little Blog Book: “Blogosfera la noi a ajuns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 si nu 1+2+3+4+5. Suntem o serie de individualitati, si chiar daca multe dintre aceste microcosmosuri sunt frumoase, nu exista o conlucrare a intregului univers. Din lipsa de interes sau din prea mult orgoliu”.
Insa nu doar orgoliile opresc viralitatea unui subiect frumos. Mai si altceva. Tot cartea amintita ne lamureste un pic.
In 2010, two researchers at the Wharton School looked at seven thousand articles that made it onto the New York Times Most E-mailed List. (A story from the Times is shared on Twitter once every four seconds, making the list one of the biggest media platforms on the web.)
According to the story, “the most powerful predictor of virality is how much anger an article evokes”. Anger has such a profound effect that one standard deviation increase in the anger rating of an article is the equivalent of spending an additional three hours as the lead story on the front page of NYTimes.com.
Again, extremes in any direction have a large impact on how something will spread, but certain emotions do better than others. For instance, an equal shift in the positivity of an article is the equivalent of spending about 1.2 hours as the lead story. It’s a significant but clear difference. The angrier an article makes the reader, the better.
The researchers found that while sadness is an extreme emotion, it is a wholly unviral one. Sadness, like what one might feel to see a stray dog shivering for warmth or a homeless man begging for money, is typically a low-arousal emotion. Sadness depresses our impulse for social sharing.
Hopelessness, despair—these drive us to do nothing. Pity, empathy—those drive us to do something, like get up from our computers to act. But anger, fear, excitement, or laughter—these drive us to spread.
Acum cititi cele mai populare bloguri de a noi si incercati sa vedeti daca folosesc aceasta reteta. Si ca sa va dau un exemplu local, am ales un post recent al sus-numitului Cabral: Despartirea. Chirurgie. Pe viu.
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In investitii, oamenii percep o pierdere de aceeasi dimensiune cu castigul de 3 ori mai puternic. E interesant ca acelasi principiu se aplica si in impartasirea unei opinii in online – oamenii tind sa coalizeze mai usor cand stirea e negativa.