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100 lucruri de urmarit in 2012

JWT: 100 Things to Watch in 2012

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Anul trecut, cand anuntam colectia de tendinte a agentiei JWT, ma plangeam de inertia pietei locale in fata ideilor noi. De cateva zile, am inceput sa citesc REWORK si una din primele “lectii” primite a fost: “Ignore the real world”.

“This real world sounds like an awfully depressing place to live. It’s a place where new ideas, unfamiliar approaches, and foreign concepts always lose… Scratch the surface and you’ll find these “real world” inhabitants are filled with pessimism and despair. They expect fresh concepts to fail. They assume society isn’t ready for or capable of change… The real world isn’t a place, it’s an excuse. It’s a justification for not trying. It has nothing to do with you”.

Revenind la tendintele JWT, va invit de data aceasta sa le priviti cu mintea deschisa si – cine stie?! – poate gasiti inspiratie pentru a face lucruri dincolo de realitatea noastra cotidiana.

3 comentarii

  1. Adi says:

    In momentul asta ma apuc de citit Rework!

  2. Felix says:

    Mai trec 3 slideuri mai bagă o poză cu un produs Apple!

  3. AnaNan says:

    Am gasit! Batuka, “noua dimensiune a fitnessului”!
    Am sa urmaresc acest trend in RO si am sa vad daca se confirma 🙂
