Abonamente Evensys

Inca un post despre influenta

De data aceasta nu mai vorbesc despre topul Biz – ZeList, ci despre un sondaj online la care am participat si eu, la invitatia Vocus. Acest studiu, sustinut si de Brian Solis si la care au participat peste 700 oameni de afaceri, antreprenori si oameni de marketing, si-a propus sa raspunda la intrebarea: what makes an influencer? Pentru ca subiectul “influenta” este hot acum, va ofer aici link-ul de unde puteti lua rezultatele. Mai jos vedeti, in limba engleza, cateva idei care mi-au placut in acest studiu. (foto)

Influence is different from popularity. An overwhelming 90% of respondents perceive a big difference between “influence” and “popularity.” However, qualitative review of open ended comments on this question shows the distinction is not always clear.

Quality of network and quality of content have a defining impact on influence. 90% attribute influence to the quality or focus of a network and 85% stated the quality of content was the top attribute of influence. 78% equated influence to online reputation and 77% believe that the number of RTs and shares establish influence.

Influence is correlated to reach. 84% said a correlation exists between an influencer’s reach and their ability to drive action.

Single most important way to build influence. When asked “What is the single most important action a person or brand could take to increase influence online?”, 50% said “create, share or post compelling content.” Authenticity, a defining principle of social media ranked next with 31%, while “focus on contributing to fewer conversations, but more in depth” ranked third with 10%

Will people pay for influence? 57% of respondents stated that they would, in fact, be willing to pay for an influencer to help them “drive actions or outcomes”.

3 comentarii

  1. ihearlights says:

    Da, intradevar, este o mare diferenta intre popularitate si influenta. Un raport foarte bine structurat. multumim de share

  2. valeria says:

    in romania , tembelii pe care voi ii faceti vedete de o zi si miliardarii .

    in occident , cei care au ceva de spus .

  3. bun acest post. mersi
