Daca te-ai saturat de manelele cantate pe telefonul mobil, de aia doi care comenteaza scenele chiar pe locurile din spatele tau, de tipa care si-a turnat toata sticla de Opium inainte de iesi in oras si care intamplator s-a asezat langa tine sau in fata ta, iti recomand un mobmov (mobile movie).
MobMov se doreste a fi un cinema in aer liber ad-hoc, doar pentru prieteni sau pentru grupuri de cinefili cu gusturi nu tocmai comerciale.
Daca ai un DVD player, un proiector si stii pe undeva un perete proaspat varuit, aduna cativa prieteni (neaparat posesori de masini) si pune-le un film bun.
Iti mai trebuie un transmitator FM nu foarte puternic – destul cat sa ‘interfereze’ cu radiourile din masinile spectatorilor. Un ghid complet de instalare gasiti aici.
[via Springwise]
.We work like a horse.We eat like a pig.We like to play chicken.You can get someone’s goat.We can be as slippery as a snake.We get dog tired.We can be as quiet as a mouse.We can be as quick as a cat.Some of us are as strong as an ox.People try to buffalo others.Some are as ugly as a toad.We can be as gentle as a lamb.Sometimes we are as happy as a lark.Some of us drink like a fish.We can be as proud as a peacock.A few of us are as hairy as a gorilla.You can get a frog in your throat.We can be a lone wolf.But I’m having a whale of a time!You have a riveting web logand undoubtedly must haveatypical & quiescent potentialfor your intended readership.May I suggest that you doeverything in your power tohonor your encyclopedic/omniscientDesigner/Architect as wellas your revering audience.As soon as we acknowledgethis Supreme Designer/Architect,Who has erected the beauteousfabric of the universe, our mindsmust necessarily be ravished withwonder at this infinate goodness,wisdom and power.Please remember to neverrestrict anyone’s opportunitiesfor ascertaining uninterruptedexistence for their quintessence.There is a time for everything,a season for every activityunder heaven. A time to beborn and a time to die. Atime to plant and a time toharvest. A time to kill anda time to heal. A time totear down and a time torebuild. A time to cry anda time to laugh. A time togrieve and a time to dance.A time to scatter stonesand a time to gather stones.A time to embrace and atime to turn away. A time tosearch and a time to lose.A time to keep and a time tothrow away. A time to tearand a time to mend. A timeto be quiet and a time tospeak up. A time to loveand a time to hate. A timefor war and a time for peace. Best wishes for continued ascendancy,Dr. WhoamiP.S. One thing of which I am sure isthat the common culture of my youthis gone for good. It was hollowed outby the rise of ethnic “identity politics,”then splintered beyond hope of repairby the emergence of the web-basedtechnologies that so maximized andfacilitated cultural choice as to makethe broad-based offerings of the oldmass media look bland and unchallengingby comparison.”
Super tare! 🙂 Asta vreau eu sa fac la Iasi in vara.